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Relevant lpms

Why Relevant Local Payment Methods are Key to Optimizing Global Expansion

A strong LPM strategy can be the difference between reaching more customers and losing the ones you already have.

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Sca explained

PSD2: Strong Customer Authentication Explained

Questions about SCA and how to prepare? Start here.

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What is 3ds2

3D Secure 2: Next-generation Authentication

Get details on the industry-standard solution for meeting PSD2’s Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements.

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Common payment scenarios

How SCA Applies to Common Payment Scenarios

Authentication will vary based on transaction types and business models. Here, we take a closer look at how SCA can be applied to some common payment scenarios and flows.

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5 questions

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Fraud Solution

Ecommerce fraud can be devastating to your business and your brand. Get the answers to these questions before you choose a solution.

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Rethinking retail

Rethinking Retail: How the Next Generation of Shoppers Is Redefining the In-store Experience

Gen Z is shaking up retail by expecting the best of digital and physical from online merchants.

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Data breaches@2x

The True Cost of Data Breaches: It’s More Than You Think

How much could it cost your business?

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7 questions@2x

7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Payments Processor

Are you getting the most value from your current payments partner? These questions can help you find out.

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Social commerce trend

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore the Social Commerce Trend

Don’t let your business get left out of the conversation.

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3 revenue killers@2x

3 Revenue Killers

Explore the common ways revenue can be lost -- and see how the right payments partner can help you avoid them.

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Ready for the next wave

Ready for the Next Wave of Social Commerce? 4 Trends to Track

Capture the next generation of buyers by harnessing the power of social media.

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Payment authorization

Payment Authorization: Getting Customers Through the Final Stretch

When it comes to purchases, how can you make sure your customers are following through?

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Putting the power

Putting the Power of Social Commerce to Work for Your Brand

What can leveraging social media do for your ecommerce business?

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Ecommerce trust@2x

These 4 Ecommerce Strategies Are a Must to Help Build Trust

There's more to gaining customer trust than building a strong brand. Learn how to understand consumers' ecommerce needs and provide a hassle-free checkout.

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Trends giving@2x

5 Trends in Giving

The ways people are giving are changing. Learn about trends in giving and how Braintree can help you leverage the power of online donations.

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Cross border@2x

The Key to Cross-border Commerce? It May Be Simpler than You Think

When it comes to payments, the data shows less may actually be more.

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Millennials donors@2x

5 Ways Nonprofits and Charities Can Engage Millennial Donors

Nonprofits that want to grow and thrive need to find ways to connect with millennials. How can payments help you capture their attention?

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Experience eq@2x

The Experience Equation: How Your Checkout Impacts Sales

Busy consumers want quick, convenient digital experiences, but what does that friction-free checkout experience look like?

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B2b buyers digital

B2B Buyers Are Going Digital. Will Your Business Meet Them There?

Stay on top of B2B trends and meet your buyers’ expectations.

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Charities webinar@2x

How Nonprofits and Charities Can Tap into the Power of Digital Donations

In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about key trends in online giving, potential donation detours, and the ways a payments partner can help you take advantage of new opportunities.

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B2b buyer expectations@2x

B2B Buyer Expectations Are Changing. Is Your Business Ready?

How can your company bring a B2C touch to your B2B business?

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Mobile optimization@2x

Why Mobile Optimization May Not Be Enough

Online mobile retail is revolutionizing the way consumers shop. But are merchants doing enough to meet their customers’ evolving needs?

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Millennial disruption@2x

How Millennials Are Transforming Ecommerce

Tech-savvy, smartphone-devoted, social platform-connected millennial shoppers are leading the charge toward an ecommerce revolution.

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case study
Case casper@2x

Laying Down a Scalable Solution with Casper

We sat down on a very comfortable mattress with Casper Co-founder and CTO, Gabriel Flateman and Senior Developer, Clive Walmsley to discuss the company’s explosive growth since processing their first dollar with Braintree.

case study
Case marketplacer@2x

Making It Seamless to Buy and Sell with Marketplacer

We sat down with Jason Wyatt, Managing Director at Australian-based Marketplacer, which started with the simple idea of creating a place to sell all things cycling, and transformed it into a powerful marketplace platform -- helping other businesses to succeed on the same path.

Rethink payments@2x

It Pays to Rethink Payments

The right payments solution can help you simplify your checkout, minimize security concerns, and provide new experiences for your customers. If you want to grow your business, it’s time to rethink your payments.

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Friction free@2x

Give Consumers the Simplicity They Want: Friction-Free Commerce

Customers today expect friction-free experiences. Does your company measure up?

case study
Case boxed@2x

Unpacking a Mobile Solution with Boxed

We chatted with Boxed co-founder and CEO Chieh Huang to learn about the company and why they chose to partner with Braintree for payments.

Important letters@2x

The Two Most Important Letters to Your Bottom Line: UX

When customers are choosing a brand, user experience is an essential part of the decision.

case study
Case jane@2x

Fashioning a Seamless Mobile Experience with

Mike McEwan, CEO of, talks about the impact that integrating with Braintree had on the retailer's mobile business.

Cyber thieves@2x

No Business Is Too Small a Target for Cyber Thieves

No company is too small to be in the crosshairs of hackers and cyber criminals.

case study
Case hotel tonight@2x

Checking in on Growth with Hotel Tonight

We sat down with Hotel Tonight CEO and co-founder Sam Shank and VP of Product Amanda Richardson to chat about mobile commerce, Braintree's SDKs, and the growth they've seen with Braintree.

case study
Case harris farm markets@2x

Offering Fresh Choices at Checkout with Harris Farm Markets

We spoke to James Kerridge, Head of Marketing & Ecommerce, and Angus Harris, Co-CEO at Harris Farm Markets about how Braintree helped them expand while still maintaining a highly personal shopping experience.

case study
Case hype dc@2x

Stomping out Fraud with Hype DC

By partnering with Braintree, Hype DC was able to take advantage of our commitment to data security and our comprehensive suite of advanced fraud tools to help prevent chargebacks and fraud.

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case study
Case nokia health@2x

Streamlining Global Payments with Nokia Health

Nokia Health needed to streamline its checkout experience globally and offer customers the payment methods they were looking for. So they came to Braintree.

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